A new kind of university

Objectivism, Philosophy, Communication

Ayn Rand University provides advanced courses in philosophy and communication from an Objectivist perspective.

Building upon three decades of courses offered through the Objectivist Academic Center and Objectivist Graduate Center, the Ayn Rand University (ARU) is the next step in the Ayn Rand Institute’s educational offerings.

Members of ARI’s board and faculty are among the world’s leading experts in Rand’s ideas. And we’re dramatically expanding our faculty.

Ayn Rand University currently offers three levels of instruction: Undergraduate seminars, graduate-level courses, and mentored opportunities for graduate students to develop their intellectual careers.


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A radical new approach

Tomorrow's Higher Education

In the years ahead, we’ll bring this world-class education in Objectivism, and support for Objectivist intellectuals,
to hundreds and, ultimately, thousands of the world’s best minds.

These people will produce cutting-edge, high-impact intellectual content in field after field. This is how we will change the trajectory of our culture.


From our philosophy to our grading, we are committed to rational thinking.


With the cost of communication approaching zero, we can bring great minds together from around the globe.

Personal Instruction

Students get direct feedback from experts who will show them how to improve thinking process and work quality.

No Dogmas

Our students are taught to actively challenge every idea.

No Bloat

We focus on what matters most: Education.

No Crippling Debt

Tuition is out of control, but not here.

Courses Launching Every Quarter

Start learning with us

A paragraph about why we are doing what we are doing. The goal here should be to inspire a donor to think this is worthwhile and to see there is a call to action to donate; realistically, this is someone in a room with Tal and the button is just there to key them in to the idea of signing a check.

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A promising vision for the next generation

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